When to wear masks as Covid cases rise, new variants emerge in the U.S.

As Covid cases and hospitalizations show an uptick in the United States, along with the emergence of new variants, questions arise about whether Americans should consider resuming mask usage. While the decision to wear masks can depend on individual circumstances, here are some key considerations according to public health experts:

Personal Risk Level: Individuals at a high risk of severe illness or death from Covid, such as elderly adults and those with underlying health conditions (e.g., diabetes, cancer, HIV, heart disease), should strongly consider wearing masks in crowded and public spaces, especially in poorly ventilated areas.

Covid Rates in Your Region: The prevalence of Covid cases in your region can influence the need for mask usage. In areas with rising cases and hospitalizations, individuals may want to be more cautious and consider wearing masks in crowded settings.

Contact with Vulnerable Individuals: If you regularly come into contact with high-risk individuals or work in settings where you interact with the public, wearing masks can help reduce the risk of transmission, even if you are not infected.

Emerging Variants: Keep an eye on the emergence of new variants. Some variants may have increased transmissibility or resistance to existing vaccines. In such cases, masking can provide an added layer of protection until updated vaccines become available.

Institutional Mandates: Pay attention to mask mandates implemented by institutions, such as healthcare facilities or businesses. Complying with these mandates can help reduce the risk of large outbreaks.

Experts emphasize that masking has been proven effective in reducing the transmission of Covid. New vaccines are expected to provide protection against emerging variants, but until they are widely available, masking can be a valuable tool in curbing the spread of the virus, particularly in high-risk settings.

However, it’s important to note that not all individuals may choose to wear masks, as perceptions of Covid risk vary. Recent polls have shown a decline in mask usage, with only a small percentage of people wearing masks consistently. Public health authorities continue to stress the importance of vaccination, masking, and other preventive measures to help control the spread of Covid and protect vulnerable populations.